Friday, February 9, 2018

Do YOU Have a Plan?

I look forward to 2018 with great excitement.

2017 was awesome despite the challenges of being newly retired. It was a time of adjustment as I got my footing in the land of “New Normal.”

I have such a blessed life!
I learned to swim and discovered that simple pleasures bring me great joy. I’ve come to a relaxing place of serenity where I smile more and stress less. And I look forward to what's next.

 So what does 2018 hold for you?

 An overdue vacation or a grandbaby on the way? Perhaps marriage, a different car, or exploring a new hobby. So much anticipation and excitement. The sky’s the limit (cliche, but true.)

But what if your outlook is . . .different?
For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows. . .
(John 16.33 TPT)

You may dread the future, paralyzed by fear. Financial difficulties. Debilitating illness. Loss of a loved one, aging parents, or the immanent threat of divorce. So many unknowns that wreak havoc on our hearts and lives.

A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy.(John 10.10 TPT)

Whether it’s good or the not-so-good, satan swoops in, ready to cause trouble by attacking our joyful anticipation or ramping up fear-fueled dread. It’s not a matter of IF but WHEN: Trouble will come and he’s right in the middle of it.

So when the wheels come off the bus, what can we do?

Often my first response is to cower in fear. Anxiety and panic overtake me as I get overwhelmed, wallow, and ruminate myself into a frenzy. I expend a lot of energy on things that often never even happen, allowing terror to drown me like a tsunami.

Thank goodness the Bible shows us another option as opposed to letting the enemy take us down.

It starts with a plan.

In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the Evil One! (Ephesians 6.16  TPT)

Dawn’s been teaching about Jesus as our shield of faith. He’s the “how to” of disarming and deflecting the enemy.

Shields in Biblical times were made of rectangular layers of wood glued together. They were as large as a door and often covered in hide then drenched in water to extinguish the arrows lobbed by the enemy.

They were a defensive weapon of protection as well as an offensive tool to push against the enemy or in a group, to form an impenetrable wall.

Our faith is the wrap-around shield and Jesus will come between us and enemy. The flaming arrows that violate God’s will will no longer trouble us as we remain safe in His care.

But we must do our part by being prepared, shield at the ready.

We have a call to action: To raise the shield of faith as a first line of defense instead of a last resort, confidant that Jesus will come alongside in our time of need. Or when things go sideways. Or the enemy tires to wreak havoc on the good things.

Thank goodness we don’t have to do it alone.

This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God's. (2nd Chronicles 20.15 NLT)

He’ll give us strategies and love us through the crisis.
He’ll comfort and heal our broken hearts.
He’ll provide protection so that the fiery darts will sizzle and die.

It won’t be easy. War never is.

We will get weary, tired arms quivering with fatigue as we hold up our shield. And we wonder if we can keep going.

So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. (Hebrews 12.12. NLT)

Time to regroup, remembering that victory is not from the success of our own efforts but comes by running to Him, raising the shield of faith. . .

. . .and it starts with a plan.

Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life. (Eph. 3.17  TPT)