Author Info

Kimberly Russell

Kim recently retired from the State of Michigan with over thirty years as a civil servant, starting in the Department of Mental Health. She transferred to the Department of Corrections and spent half of her career as the secretary to the Warden of a correctional facility with 1500 inmates.

Kim's love for writing began as a child, remained dormant for many years, and came out of hiding a decade ago during a particularly dark time. The Lord whispered that He wanted to use her talents and the journey began.

Kim also writes Christian fiction and has been published on-line, in DogLife magazine, has been recognized in several writing contests, and is part of an anthology published by A second anthology from FaithWriters will be released in a few months and will contain three of Kim's contest entries.

She has two projects that are current WIPs (works in progress) and plans to return to them soon.

Kim's been a Christian for many years and has attended Jamestown since 2016. Her faith steadily grows as she seeks God's will for her life and follows His plans. The Lord's kindness, patience, and love is overwhelming, and He never ceases to amaze her.

In between golf games, Kim hangs out with her Shih Tzu, Toby, and Liberty the cat, who allows the two of them to be his roommates.

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