About "Whispers"

…After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.   (1st Kings 19.11-12   NLT)

Elijah had given up hope and went off to hide in a cave. He didn’t want to deal with the situation he was in and he didn’t want to listen to God.

God tried to get through to him with an earthquake. Then a fire. But in the end, it was a simple, small voice that got Elijah’s attention.

The prophet may have leaned in, straining to hear that faint whisper, trembling with fear but not wanting to miss a thing.

How often do we miss what God is trying to tell us?

Maybe we've allowed circumstances to dictate our lives or let feelings boss us around until we end up an emotional hot mess.

How often do we forge ahead in an effort to get our own way and whine when we suffer the consequences? Then throw a temper tantrum like a naughty child.

All because we didn’t listen.

God’s heart is to be in an intimate relationship with us. We should be so eager to hear what He has to say that we block out all distractions, anxious for that still, small voice.

God has been sharing mightily with the believers at Jamestown Church. Come back often to hear one perspective of what He's been saying....His 'Whispers From Above'.

Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen and you will find life.                           Isaiah 55.3   NLT

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