Thursday, June 21, 2018

God's Teachable Moments

We've been talking about training for quite some time. As Christians, God teaches and trains us so we can grow in our faith, mature, and be prepared to pursue the assignments He has for us.

Training looks different for each person. For me, He often uses teachable moments. Times when He wants to address areas I struggle with, attitudes, or my behavior.

Teachable moments come in the mundane, daily events of my life and when I least expect them. I'm often surprised when it happens although I'm not sure why since it seems I give Him plenty of material to work with. Like this one that happened the other morning.

The heat had finally broken but extended amounts of rain were headed our way and my already-too-long grass was turning into a hay field. Fortunately, the lawn service deals with the yard and all I have to do is hand mow the dog area. It’s a simple task that takes all of ten minutes. Maybe even seven.

As I eyeballed the clock (didn't want to alienate the neighbors by mowing at the crack of dawn) and the darkening sky, I figured I could get it done before the clouds cut loose so off I went.

I’d just bought a new gas can since the old one was almost more than I could lift. The smaller can would be easier to handle and I was pleased with my new purchase.

Until I tried to open it.

I read the directions fifty times. How hard could it be to twist this and snap that to unlock it, get the spout out, and fill the tank?

Maybe I needed to be smarter than the can. . . .

I kept glancing at the sky and re-reading the directions as my temper rose as high as the humidity. I’d walk away, come back, try again, and berate myself for my inadequacy. Was I seriously going to be outwitted by an inanimate object?

Finally I'd had enough, removed the mechanism, and used a funnel. I'd solve the puzzle later.

I snickered, fairly certain that the few minutes I needed to get the job done were safely within my reach. I stabbed at the choke, fist pumped, pulled the starter cord and. . . .


I’ve been having trouble with the mower and had delayed calling the service guy. Hey, there's always tomorrow, right?


I had come up with an intricate process of pushing the choke many times then letting the mower sit for a while then repeating the steps. It usually works--as long as I'm patient. This day it it wasn’t happening.

The waiting time in between pulls lessened as my fuse shortened. Sweat rolled, and I stomped and grumbled at my predicament.

I stormed inside and flopped into a chair, ready to pout, when I noticed my Bible, right where I'd left it before this whole fiasco started.

So you’ve got some time on your hands. . . .

Uh oh. Teachable moment.

God’s been showing me how to be fully attached to Him. Every day. All day. Learning to live a life fastened to Him, with my heart connected to His, leaning into Him.

And the one thing I hadn't done this day.

Instead, I’d let the enemy swoop in with his flaming arrows and throw me off my square. My flesh was bossing me around. I threw a fit like a two-year-old.


He took me to Psalm 32.8: “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me.” (TBT)

An “ah-ha” moment.

I’d been struggling in my own strength and stubbornly tried to fix all this myself. My temper and frustration had gotten the best of me. I'd been making this way harder than necessary, wanting my own way. Now.

God also reminded me about Philippians 4.6 where I’m to tell Him every detail of my life. He cares about my lawn mower? Yup.

I calmed, and we talked it through. And of course, when I tried to start the mower again, it took right off. The lawn got done, the rain delayed, and  when I called the repair guy, he offered to come have a look at my cantankerous machine. And I'll put my pride aside and get someone to show me how to use the gas can.

It's all good. And I got a teachable moment out of the deal.

Guess that makes it a good day.

(FYI- The rain didn't arrive until almost eight hours later....*eye roll*)