Thursday, November 1, 2018

His W.I.P.

…the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put His finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!   (Philippians 1.6. TPT)

Philippians is one of my favorite books so I’ve read this scripture many times. But recently, God shared some new insights. Don’t you love it when that happens?

As I mulled over the verse, I got a little nudge, which always makes me sit up and take notice. Then I heard a little whisper: “You’re my W.I.P.”

Me: “Really?”

Him: “Uh huh.”

Me: “Wow.”

If you’re unfamiliar with the acronym, W.I.P, in the world of a writer, it refers to a current manuscript or project.

A ‘Work In Progress.’

So God wanted me to know I was His work in progress? Time to dig a little deeper…

The one who began this glorious work in you…

Some days it’s hard to see the glorious work He’s begun in me. Life clouds my vision. Distractions, drudgery, crisis, and the mundane vie for my attention.

Then there's the worry and fret factor. What if my actions (or inaction) sabotage His work? What if I get in the way or worse, mess up something important? I’d never want to disappoint Him or miss the mark. Ever feel like you’re your own worst enemy?

We need to remember: God started the work and He…

…will faithfully continue… 

He’s committed to see it through, this work He’s begun in me. He won’t throw in the towel and neither should I. When I’m discouraged, want to take the easy route, or struggle to keep going, He will faithfully continue. Can I do any less?

…the process of maturing you…

Oh, this doesn’t sound good. What does it take to be matured? Think back to when you were a teen. You thought you knew everything and your parents were idiots. They just ‘didn’t understand’. Or you stubbornly rebelled against their authority.

It may have taken tough love and lots of discipline for them to get through to you.

At least God is kind and gentle as He grows us up--even when it doesn't always feel like it.

 …and will put his finishing touches to it…

He continues to mature us and we continue to progress. Step by step. Little by little. Despite failures, setbacks, lack of cooperation, and bad attitudes, all so we can get His ‘finishing touches’.

…until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Someday there will be the wonderful unveiling, the result of His perfect craftsmanship. It’s a day we long for. But until then...

He thinks so highly of us, His treasured W.I.P., that He never gives up. Even when we kick, scream and need a little ‘extra attention.’

We have His promises: He begins. He continues. He matures. And He will reveal the finished product.

It’s a process.
A work in progress.
Because He loves us.

I have a manuscript that languishes in the cobwebby recesses of my computer hard drive. I started it in 2010, did the second half in 2012, walked away, then came back to it several years later. I’ve slogged through edits, gotten distracted, and lost interest, yet I fully plan on returning to it one day. I won’t give up on it. It is my perpetual W.I.P.

And I am His.