Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Focus Factor

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. For God knew His people in advance, and He chose them to become like His Son, so that His Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. (Romans 8.28-29, NLT)

We’ve been learning about how to become part of God’s governing body on earth, the Ekklesia. We do this by being the Lord’s mouthpiece in order to plant seeds and fulfill His purposes through living a life of holiness, conformed to the image of Christ, chosen by God.
Such a lofty goal. I yearn to be used for His purposes, but it seems I’m easily distracted. I hear His direction and feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit, yet struggle. I want so much to give Him permission to walk me into the new and cooperate, but my mind darts here and there like a bee after the sweetest nectar, buzzing off in a million directions.

My focus factor needs attention.

Colossians offers some insight into this problem. Paul was writing to the church at Colosse after he received a disturbing letter while imprisoned in Rome. He’d heard that non-Christian teaching was circulating and true Christianity was being forced out.

Must be they were having focus issues too.

Paul warned them about the dangers of drifting away. He advised them to continue to believe and the importance of maintaining their focus by depending on God's mighty power working in them. But he also noted that they needed to be responsible. To make concentrated, intentional efforts in order to stay focused. They needed to do their part.

As do we. . .but how?

Trusting Him
Psalm 18 has been my go-to lately. God's been using it to show me that in order to focus, I need to trust Him and His promises:
  • He's a rock of protection, a shield, the power that saves, and place of safety.
  • When you call, He hears and reaches down to rescue and save you from the enemy.
  • He leads you to a safe place because He delights in you.
  • He makes a wide path to keep you from slipping.
The more I trust Him, the more I can stay fixed on His purposes for me.

Draw Near
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God, and God will come close to you. (James 4.7-8 NLT)

I’ve allowed Satan way too much space in my head, sometimes allowing him to move in and set up housekeeping. When I let him boss me around, I'm distracted from God’s plans.

Time to issue him an eviction notice.

The more I resist Satan, the sooner he’ll get the message that he is no longer welcome and must leave, which opens a path to drawing nearer to God. 

Build a Life on Him
As I learn to trust God and chase away the enemy, I can move forward and build a life with Him at the center.

“. . .you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught and you will overflow with thankfulness.”  (Colossians 2.6 NLT)

Our roots must grow deep, anchored in strength, stability, and longevity instead of growing shallowly sideways. When we build a life of faith and truth, we'll be able to withstand the storms of life.

I need to consider: Do I bend during the winds of adversity and topple under the weight of my cares because my roots are shallow from lack of focus?
Photo by Lissie Wilson

A Call to Action
This song really speaks to my heart:

Alive in Christ- dead to sin.
Eyes fixed, open ears, ready to live.
May my heart burn for You as Yours does for me.
My life enthroned with You.

("My Life Enthroned With You- By Shelley Hawver)

I need to be at the ready: Eyes fixed. Ears open. Ready to live a life enthroned with Him, totally focused.

So how is your focus factor these days?  Are you walking in the purposes God has for you? Or do you struggle with trusting Him enough to draw near and build a life on Him with roots grown deep to withstand the storm?

It all starts with focus.

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